What is a Sodaclick Licence?
A “Sodaclick Licence” also known as “Licence(s)” is a unique 16-character licence allocated to a single connected and Enabled Device which may have multiple licence types such as ‘Standard’, ‘Voice’ and any others, allowing the use of the Service subject to payment of the Service Fees. A Sodaclick Licence is required to publish content and project solutions created on the Sodaclick platform and onto an endpoint. All licences are defined by a per connected device / per year basis.
How Does a Sodaclick Licence Work?
New Device:
Same Device:
What is Considered a Unique Device:
An AI measurement of metrics to define uniqueness across multiple identifiers, including browser, cookies, browser fingerprint, network behaviour, local storage, amongst other things.
Common Questions?
Why do I see a 'No Licence' message on my screen?
- This could be due to insufficient licences on your account, check licence manager from your dashboard
- The output content URL may have been loaded onto any browser through your personal device (computer / laptop / phone) which would have allocated a unique licence(s) automatically to that device. If this is the case, please go to your 'Licence / Device Manager' and 'Unassign' unwanted devices / licences, see here.
- 'Auto Assign' option may be off from your Licence manager. Ensure the 'Auto Assign' check box is on if posting Sodaclick content through a CMS or direct onto a device browser.
- If local storage is restricted on a device, and / or cookie policies have been disabled, this may trigger this message. If this is the case, please refer to your device / CMS guidelines on how to enable these settings.
How do I preview my content without assigning a licence?
- Use the preview option from the dashboard / app instead of copying slide URL. This will ensure a licence is not allocated wrongly onto your previewed device.
Known Issues & Fixes*
BrightSign -
- If limit storage space by function is not enabled and set correctly from BrightAuthor under the 'Storage' tab, this would trigger the 'No Licence Found' message. Enable this option to combat this issue. This may also use up more licences if not configured correctly.
- When adding Sodaclick content to BrightAuthor, ensure you have 'External Data' enabled under the HTML5 settings.
Signagelive -
- When copying Slide URL from your dashboard / app, ensure to add the following query string to the copied URL: &slserialno={!slserialno} This will instruct Signagelive to send back the unique player ID which will allocate the correct Sodaclick licences accordingly.
PlaySignage -
- When copying Slide URL from your dashboard / app, ensure to add the following query string to the copied URL: &device={UUID} This will instruct PlaySignage to send back the unique player ID which will allocate the correct Sodaclick licences accordingly.
*Fixes will be rolled out in the next Sodaclick update - Mid Decemeber 2020