How to Add a Slide to Multiple Playlists in Sodaclick

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In Sodaclick, a versatile cloud-based content platform, slides can be efficiently added to your playlists to manage and showcase your content. However, a specific slide can only be added to one playlist at a time. If you wish to include the same slide in two or more playlists, it must be copied.

Steps to Copy a Slide for Multiple Playlists:

  1. Log in to Sodaclick: Visit the Sodaclick website and log into your account.

  2. Navigate to Dashboard: Once you're logged in, you will be directed to your dashboard. This is where all your slides and playlists are managed.

  3. Select the Slide: Navigate to the slide you wish to add to multiple playlists.

  4. Copy the Slide: Once you've selected your slide, choose the 'Copy' option. This can be typically found in a menu associated with the slide or when you click on the slide.

  5. Navigate to the First Playlist: Now, go to your first playlist where you wish to add the copied slide.

  6. Add the Copied Slide: Select the option to 'Add Slide'. You should see your copied slide among the available slides. Click on the copied slide to add it to this playlist.

  7. Repeat for the Second Playlist: Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the second playlist (or any additional playlists) where you wish to add the copied slide.

Copying a slide creates an independent version of it. This means any changes made to the copied slide will not affect the original slide, and vice versa. This feature allows you to use the same base slide across multiple playlists, with the freedom to customize each copied slide as per the specific needs of each playlist.

If you need further assistance or have any more queries, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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